Divine Guidance

There are no accidents, there is no such thing as chance, all of life is planned and executed with the finest of care. Often, we wonder how can that be. Most of us are looking for the big experience, the burning bush, the lightening strike, or the loud voice saying "this is the way walk you in it."  Often the guidance, the leadings and the promptings which mark our path as one that is guided by Spirit, comes from the small incidents. The seemingly unrelated decision, which leads to being in a particular place at a particular time to change direction, or to continue our direction, is the truest indication of being led by the Spirit within.  All too often we gloss over those small promptings. Attention to such leadings will clearly show us the care and protection of forces too great for us to understand now.

Our guidance comes to us in a manner that is unique to us. It is not the same for everyone. When we begin to listen and expect to hear from the Divine within, we recognize how much we are guided. The more we do this the more it occurs. Our attention is of vital importance to this process. This very moment the Universe is calling was to live our highest and best. This very moment there is guidance for the steps you are to take. This instant you are loved and guided to reap your ultimate good. In the bible it says: "The steps of the good  are ordered..."

Today I pay attention to the seemingly insignificant.


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