Living Waters

In ancient writings, water is used as a synonym for life. Science tells us that our bodies are mostly water held in the sacks, we call skin. Water then takes on a great significance in understanding our relationship to the rest of the universe. It is my belief that everything on this planet is a symbol for some great truth we have not yet understood to the point of it becoming our experience. Water is one of the most significant. It has to be, it is two thirds of the planetary surface with the same percentage of our bodies. We have not yet begun to find all the allusions to truth that water holds; even though we use water in some of our most sacred rites and ceremonies. We baptize our children shortly after birth; we wash our hands before we eat; and we wash our food before we eat it; we sprinkle holy water on ourselves and expect to be inwardly cleansed by so doing; and we drink it constantly. Yet we have failed to give credence to its true sacred place in our experience; with this failure we have denied ourselves the expansion we may have had otherwise. 

The symbol of the bearer of water suggest that there is more to the water story than we know; we must look within the symbol for the significance it holds for our home going. The age brings life in a whole new dimension than what we are accustomed to calling life. It is the very outpouring of Spirit upon all flesh, as is stated in sacred writings. The bearer of this life expanding water is not some cosmic holy person coming to the earth and healing it and ourselves. We, ourselves, must take the jug, and pour the living water into our selves; thereby cleansing ourselves of the ages old beliefs in separation and alienation from our source. 

Thus water then is another symbol for the knowledge of our Oneness and connection to the entire Universe. That is mind expanding merely to contemplate. That I, sitting here at this computer, seeing the little light darting across the screen and letters appearing as it moves, am connected to all beings every­where expands me. That thought places within my imagination webs of light emanating from my physical being touching the furthest reaches of everything.  As I do that I take with me the waters of life, the love which is the very substance that I am. I share this love, and am given love in return. 

Today I will remember to share the water of life I am privileged to know.


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