
Staying with the poetic impulse, again I culled from the folder labeled Poems and chose the two that are here. Offered with love and joy.

I am the angel touching me,
I am the Light by which I see,
I am the grace sustaining me,
I am free eternally
Untrammeled and free.
Unleashed to shine the Light within me.
The miracles of ages past
Express who I be
United as my purpose
Sitting still inside of me,
Stands the forces of creation
Flowing now, so full, so free.


The hand of change is in my own
Peace, joy, love live as me
This very moment I am different
This instant I have changed
The growth so ardently sought is here
I give gratitude in return 
The only gift I can bear.

Yes change has brought me many gifts
That were here all along
Its greatest gift to me this now
Is to see its moving hand
To know forever I will change
And grow from day to day
My onward path the choice
I make to know my change as found.

In subtle ways its brought about
One moment at a time
Thus change has come on padded feet
To teach me of the sublime
Bask I now in radiance new
Brought by the hands of change
A shining sun of love's own self
To blaze upon my day
The brilliance of this beaming star
Makes all my moments bright
Fills my cup of life with wine
Drawn from a brand new press.

I drink the wine that change has brought
In satiety and grace
With every sip this truth I know
The changing moment holds for me
A sweeter wine than this
As each sip flows into my throat
I savor all it holds 
The knowing deep within me says
The next bright sip I take
Will bring again to me for'er
The promise of new change.


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