
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Center of the Onion

Last night I went to the Wednesday night rapping with the rev held at our church. While there, I shared how through a personal story; I was led and guided to release a thirty year old recurring abscess. The story involved the sexual interaction between me, as a child, and an elderly male neighbor. That incident, which was repeated over months, I deemed shameful. I stuffed that shame deep within my flesh and it erupted ever so often as an abscess for those thirty years. The first step was to acknowledge when the first abscess occurred. Then the next step was to own the shame I’d stuffed inside my physical being. When I touched that deep seated shame, I became nauseous and threw up, literally!  The next step through my healing process was to own that all the shame and grief were my own and release them. That process took several days, but they were released. The next step was forgiveness. That section of the healing process took a few more days. I was able to truly forgive