
Showing posts from November, 2017

Power (Over vs To)

Power has been in the news lately. Most of the conversation concerns power over. The discussion mostly revolve around those possessing power in government, media, entertainment, and other areas of endeavor are being accused of mishandling their power and harming others. These are mostly facts. The power they appear to have was bequeathed to them by the rest of us who appear to have no power. Most of what we see as abuse of power is the egos of those who deign to believe they have power to control someone else’s behavior. ‘POWER TO’ is a different kettle of fish altogether. ‘Power To’ is the divine gift to every human being on the planet. In that case, it signifies that we are all gifted with power. We are all endowed with the power to choose who we show the world we are. We have the power to choose how we respond to events, circumstance, and life. In the end we are never victims but co-creators of our experiences. We are powerful spiritual beings with great strength an

On Being Spiritual

Everyone is anointed and appointed to be the light of the world. That is because everyone has the light of the Great Creator within them. There is nothing, nor anyone who is not spiritual. That is to say; all that is manifested is made from the un-manifested spirit. Therefore, with or without the language of any religion, to one degree or another; we are all spiritual. Any division or separation resides in the realm of consciousness alone. As we begin to erase the divisions from our awareness, so we begin to see the Divine everywhere. Here’s the rub, we will not to see the Divine anywhere, until we begin to see the Divine in ourselves. Love, compassion and understanding must first be applied to ourselves before we can apply them to the world.  We see through who we are. If we are suspicious and constantly on the lookout for wrong doings; it means we have a strong streak of wrong doing in ourselves. On the other hand, if we are compassionate and loving; we have a strong


There is much suffering seen in our world at this time. The suffering, we see, is merely the end of the cycle of pain and grief; a phase of our humanity that is coming to an end. Everything enthroned within the darkness, we created, has to come to the surface and be healed. That is the essence of the Transformation. The entirety of the mis-creation we created, in the dark while we slept, has to surface to be shined away by our collective light. This is the action of our moments; to shine our light and melt the darkness of the fear that haunts us. Thus when we see outrageous behavior, massacres, small wars, injustices, crimes and hateful conduct; know they are the tail end of the current cycle. They are but the final thrashing and flailing about of the darkness before it finally surrenders to our enormous light. The darkness, which we think of as being permanent, is giving way for the light of harmony and grace; that is the story we will tell as human beings. The new cy

Sympathy for God

There is a lot of talk on television about Evangelical Christian and their brand of God. This calls up a deep sympathy within me for God. There are so many versions of God that I’ve lost count. If all these versions of God are true to any extent; all who believe in God are screwed. Tied into this is the manner in which we allow God into our lives; and the impact that allowance has on how we do life. In a class last night, we talked about how God is perceived; and the kind of God that serves our purposes. Some of the names for our conditional God were pretty funny, some dire. Whatever type God fits in for you is only a partial description of what God really is. What that is no one knows. I have an idea that we ought to change the name God to something else; something less maligned and less feared. My chosen name is Gus. Gus never punishes. Gus is infinitely kind. Gus never grants wishes, hinders dreams, or keeps score. In other words Gus is nothing like Santa Clause. Gu