
Showing posts from October, 2015


No ripples to my day I bring, Calm reigns supreme within, My soul responds with quiet joy Bounty of the Universe revealed, As my glad song Resounding Clear the heights that brought me here, To dance, a sound to weave Into the tapestry of dreams, Love my being enfolding Clap loud the thunderous beat My heart responding Deep within the being of love: I am.  God of Grace God of Love Live through me this day Do every little thing I do In that special Godly way. See the souls that pass my way As Light within Thyself Melt the mist that shrouds the Light Bring to mankind Thy grace's delight.

A Little More Peace

I seek within the realms of Peace for he who is called the Prince of Peace. He answers my search with the voice of loving assurance saying; ‘I am with you always, even in the midst of anger and fright.’ He wraps me with the gentle carefulness within the bright garments of his heart light and speak words of Peace to my anxious soul. He said: “this moment I give you the Peace you knew in the beginning, when your only consciousness was that of Oneness and Light.” Sheltered within the love of my brother and friend, I experience anew the boundless love of my Creator God. The cresting anger, which loomed so large as to almost overwhelm my world, begins its transformation before my opened mind. It reveals for my knowing the seat of the frustration which started its onslaught. The idea of Oneness became distorted into a need for conformity. The warmth from Peace teaches me that to be joined it is not necessary to be alike. Being joined is to honor the bonds of love and give respect to

A Greater Peace

There are times when I willfully inhabit the energy of anger.   At those times, the anger clothes me to the exclusion of reason and Peace. I ask of this anger, why are you here? Its reply is an intensity that seeks to shatter my mind, breaking it into little pieces whose jiggered edges are to similar to reassemble. It places me in a space that is reactive; feeds upon my reactions, turning upon myself it destructive ways. This anger is objectless, fueled by frustrations that had gone unnoticed for days on end. Within the throes of this anger, I experience powerlessness and amnesia ; forgetting that Peace is ever present, and wishes to soothe my perceived hurt places. The presence of Peace within my life has many faces. There are concerns waiting for my attention; yet it is almost impossible for me to give my attention to them. This moment feels so potent, that the facts of existence can find no entrance within it. The thoughts held within these concerns float towards my mind a

Ye Are Gods

Interpenetrating us this instant, and always, are the nine planes of consciousness. The words spoken by Jesus nearly two thousands years ago are still true today. The kingdom of the heaven is in the midst of us. We are aware of the first three planes of consciousness during our waking states. Some of us venture into the next two, the fourth and fifth, during our sleeping states. There are four additional planes where the spirit of man is also active. To acknowledge there is more to us than meets the eye, ear, nose, tongue and hands, is to begin the conscious exploration of those other states. Why is it important to become aware of the other planes of consciousness? People have lived lives and are living full lives within the concrete world of the third dimension for eons. The world of the third dimension is valid, and contrary to some mystical teachings very real. However, deep within, we all know that is not all there is to our beings. There are times when we enter into rever


Deep within the core of me, well below the level of language, in the center of all spaces, lives happiness. To enter and partake of the luscious fruits this happiness holds, I must surrender in each moment to that which is greater than I.   There is something which haunts me, which seems to desire all my thoughts and feelings, to distract me from communion with happiness. This figment of disruption is quite incapable of causing even the tiniest ripple in the lake of my happiness. There are times when I hold the disruptive shadow close, and believe myself to be other than happy. Happiness is constant; a living stream within the center of my being. There, within me, just below the surface of consciousness, flows the stream of happiness, a hum, underlying all my thoughts and feelings. It bubbles up often into song, a smile, peals of laughter, a sigh, a poem and love. Happiness has always been a part of who I am. In former times I used events to allow myself to flow in the strea