
Showing posts from December, 2011

Start Over, Why Don't You?

What would it take for you and me to start over today and present a new born being to the world in which we live? Nothing! Yes, nothing. You see this new being has everything it needs to be fully productive and to fulfill every little desire. What prevented the old being from doing just that? We bought the social consciousness whole sale. We gave our undivided attention to what the world deem to be possible. The new being would not do that. The new being would give no recognition to the social consciousness. There would be no should(s) in the thought process of a conscious Child of God; and that is what the new being would be. The essence of Human Spirituality is the knowledge that this type of change is possible. Everything is allowed by a Child of God! Yes, everything and anything. Because this new being is conscious of being a Child of God It will cause no harm. Not because it is wrong to hare, as we were so carefully taught, but because a conscious Child of God allows; and in allo