
Showing posts from August, 2016

A real short story

He never spoke a word. From the day he was born, he never spoke one single word. He was tested and proved not to be deaf. He simply did not speak. Laughter was the only sounds he would utter. He laughed at almost every opportunity. He laughed when he heard birds singing, when the wind rustled among the trees, whenever he saw a butterfly he would double over with the purest laughter until tears flowed from his beautiful brown eyes. His parents defended him with all their might when friends and relatives suggested somehow something was wrong with him. They would point out that he had an extremely high IQ, his scores were perfect on all the tests given him by teachers and psychiatrists; he did all the work given him in school flawlessly. He would communicate everything by writing, and started doing this at the age of eighteen months. He was tall for his age, standing at five feet seven inches and he was only six years old. His curly black hair was allowed to grow and mopp

We Hold These Truths…

“We hold these truths” are the first four words of the declaration of independence of the United States. The declaration went on to list equality, freedom and the pursuit of happiness as the inalienable right of every human being. Those four words have been rattling around in my head for a few days now. They had something more to say than the obvious meaning we all take so much for granted. They transcend the human condition and place humanity within the realms of the Divine. As Divine beings we are first and foremost free. We get to choose the life we live, and the experiences we have in any given incarnation. Every human being is equal to every other human being because of our Divine ancestry. Each person on the planet is perfectly capable of deciding how the experience of happiness is pursued. Beyond these basic characteristics of our innate divine nature is the grand ability, to create our world, endowed to each of us by our Creator.   We do this with every thought we