
Showing posts from February, 2023

Birthday Number 79

 Yesterday, I celebrated my 79th birthday. It is wonderful knowing I've lived for 79 years in this body.  As I recall my span of years, it seems that it was just the other day, I was nine or ten years old and my only concern was could I go next door to pick some genype (a beloved fruit with a huge seed that could be roasted), from our neighbor's tree. Here I am 70 years later crying with joy at the sight of my family gathered around my bed singing happy birthday to me. Here's the story of this body. It had a recurring vaginal abscess for thirty years, which led to a phenomenal healing of the childhood trauma of being repeated molested by a neighbor who bribed me not to tell. From that point I journeyed on in it as a very healthy vehicle until in the middle sixties when it encountered cancer as an accelerant to a deeper plunge into the invisible world of Spirit. Using the opportunity cancer offered, I began to knowledge some of the other talents I brought into this lifetime.

Have Being

Within the pinch of eternity called my life span, love is the state in which I live and move and have Being. Love fills the cracks and crannies as it carves with infinite precision the moments of my days. Love wakes me each morning to gaze upon the bright new day in which to see its handiwork in the lives of birds, butterflies, scuttling armies of workers in speeding cars every spot an eye can see. It puts me to sleep at night so that I can enter the realms of light the day obscures with actions in the place of being. My life here in my pinch of eternity is made soft, alluring and fulfilling each moment when I remember I am the Love that created the Universe in which a salamander coexists with exploding stars. Oh, the joy of having my being in the cradling nest breathed out by love! Photograph me leading a meditation at a friend's wedding, in Miami 80s?

Two Short Poems

 Six Yellow Leaves Fluttering in the Autum's breeze Glinting in the sunlight Shinning for all to see Six yellow leaves Saying goodby to summer's heat No moaning nor defending The life force now receding into winter's long sleep Awaiting the awakening Spring's joy will reveal As they fall into the ground to nourish the dormant seeds of a new day's dawn Six yellow leaves swaying on branch bare Holding with deep grace The cycle's yearnings to return The never ending Upwardly spiraling pace of grace.


 Deep within the core of me, well below the level of language, in the center of all spaces, lives happiness. To enter and partake of the luscious fruits this happiness holds, I must surrender in each moment to that which is greater than I. There is something which haunts me, which seems to desire all my thoughts and feelings, to distract me from communion with happiness. This figment of disruption is quite incapable of causing the tiniest ripple in the lake off my happiness. There are times when I hold the disruptive shadow close and believe myself to be other than happy. Happiness is constant, a living stream within the center of my being.  There within me, just the surface of my consciousness, flows the stream of happiness, a deep hum underlying all my thoughts and feelings. It bubbles ever so often into a song, a smile, peals of laughter, a sigh, a poem and love. Happiness has always been a part of who I am. In former times, I used events to allow myself to flow in this stream calle


 Hypnogogic, a word I learned long after I had been occupying that state almost nightly before knowing it had a name. Once, I learned the word, and had the state described to me, I understood I had been spending many hours in it. Each visit I made expanded my ability to understand the vision I often had. Hypnogogic consists of being awake and asleep at the same time. It is not as impossible as it sounds. We travel through the hypnogogic state every time we enter into sleep. However, for most of us the time spent within it is so brief we hardly notice.  The trick to becoming fully human is to become conscious of our individual evolution. Being aware of our visits to the hypnogogic is among the states we experience. The photo is me currently; the text is from my book Slices.


 There is a point in the evolution of a flower when revolution takes place. It is an instant, a mere dot in all the time it takes for the flower to bloom, to open its petals and give its beauty and fragrance to the world. One Pico second before the bursting, the flower was only a bud, an embryonic form of what it will become. Then in an instant, faster than there are instruments to record, it burst the concealing shell of the bud, and becomes a fragrant flower. Up until that point n time it was becoming. It gathered energy from the soil, the sun and the air, while growing inside shell that formed the bud. An onlooker would not see this internal activity. such an onlooker would see a bud sitting on a stalk; hardly distinguishable from the greenery around it. Its striving to blossom would not be an observable phenomenon to the outside world. The instant it opens, that flower changes its environment. Where there was only green, there is now a splash of color. The world is now altered by t