I Begin Anew

It is customary to state New Year’s resolutions, and do them for a few days after the New Year begins then stop doing them. Well, every day presents us with a new year, and mine is today. I begin anew today.

I awoke and enjoyed a meditation. I was living on the grace generated during the years when all I did was meditate. That cup is drying up; a me was emerging that needs to refill it. No, I will not meditate to the extent I did during those years. But I am resuming the practice despite the excuses I used to not do so. Also I am joining a gym tomorrow. The excuses I have been using not to exercise are thrown in the bin of forgetfulness, and a more active person is emerging.

The hint came that joining a gym is the way to go came in the form of one of those junk mail pieces in the mail box last night. There were only two pieces of mail in the box when I opened it. One was a bill and the other a very attractive offer from a newly opened gym in my neighborhood. I accept the offer. Tomorrow I will go and join up. Never had gym membership before but there is a first time for everything. Look out world, here I come!

I am grateful for this opportunity to begin anew.


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