Recurring Dreams

 For over thirty years I’ve been having a recurring dream that I am lost. The landscape in which I find myself is always large and expansive. There are always hills and valleys. The road I start out taking I was always sure was the one to get me where I was going. Sometimes I was going somewhere away from home and sometimes I was returning home. Then the road turns out to be different and I can never find my way to where I am going. That is the basic theme of these dreams. Often for long periods the places in which I am lost repeats; sometimes they differ. 

Last night I had one of those dreams and the only difference was I had someone with me. We were going to school, we got in the car and the road turned out to be different. There were several encounters and I never got where we going. I have puzzled and pondered what the missing lesson of these dreams was. This time I did something different; I reached out.

I called my spiritually gifted friend Peace and she confirmed that I must again take up the pen. It does not matter if this is read or not. The intent of my life is to speak. The purpose of my existence as a human is to use words to convey some of the meaning of our collective purpose here on planet earth. This I’ve always known and always made light of. I am about to start the adventurous journey of finding where I am to go.

Please stay tuned.


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