The Power of love

Love is often spoken of as a state of perfection to be attained. Or the word love is used as a weapon to slay those with whom we disagree. In the simple accusation “you don’t love me.” Love is most often portrayed as an emotion. Love is said to make one’s heart sing. It is the focus of the attention of those who seek it from others. Million of books and countless movies have devoted themselves to the subject of love or better yet affection between individual beings. But affection and even attraction is only the human understanding of love. It is my understanding that love is more than ability to like, or even get along with, another human being.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”  The Christian Bible - Corinthians 13:4-8
The highest manifestation of love that humans are capable of showing is acceptance. Acceptance of one another as doing the best we know how to do in any given moment. Acceptance given to any situation without desiring to change it for our benefit. Acceptance given to the belief of another with no judgment as to worthiness of the belief’. In other words acceptance or love simply exists. 

Love exists as the force of the innate creativity the Universe contains. This force is so powerful it puts itself at the disposal of thought. Yes, that includes your thoughts. Thus love creates from our thoughts the world we see around us. What we see around us is made from love. We also are made from the stuff of love. Thus the claim that love transforms can be made. Love is potent and awaits our focus to transform our world into a world of peace. That is the true power of love. Love’s elastic potential is available to everyone. How we use this creative force is always up to us.


I wonder what the world would be like if everyone knew and accepted the fact that the highest form of love is acceptance?
Mark said…
Beautifully written reminder to us all of the power and simplicity of love and I too wonder, in these contentious times, what it would be like if everyone intimately knew love and felt loved....... sharing it through acceptance.
Unknown said…
Totally comforting words. Would that we all loved our brother/sister as we love ourselves...but on second those, maybe we do love others as we love ourselves, we just don't love ourselves enough.

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