The Prophet Micah

 “The Prophet Micah” I was preparing a morning meal when I heard the words in my head. Whenever unexpected hints pop into my mind, I know enough to check it out. So I got out my bible and looked up the prophet’s writing. Sure enough it spoke of beating swords into plowshares, and spears into pruning hooks. It also said, and here I quote, “But everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree.” (Micah 4:4)

This is where it gets interesting. In the background the television was tuned to all Pope all the time station. Sitting down to eat the meal I had prepared, I noticed the program was the prayer service at the 9:11 site. On the stage sat the Pope and almost every religion known to man. There was a Sheik, a Rabbi, an Imam, a Buddhist Priest, A Chinese lady, perhaps a Taoist, and several other I did not recognize, but represented a religion. 

The Rabbi and the Imam both rose and spoke at separate microphones. The Rabbi quoted from Micah the very passage I had just read about everyone sitting in peace with plenty. That is what I took the above quoted passage to mean. I say alright, what am I to do with this?

There are no coincident or accidents, and nothing happens without a true purpose. I used those same words yesterday when sitting in the doctor’s office.  I take the small incident I just told with the Rabbi and the voice to mean, peace is in the air. More and more humans are turning their attention to the workings of peace. I noticed that there was no news about the horrors in the Middle East, or even the tragic plight of those seeking asylum in Europe.

 I am grateful for the respite from news of the plagues humanity continues to create. I welcome the renewed emphasis of Brotherhood filling the airwaves and the internet.

Thank you Pope Francis for coming to America, we needed you here now.


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