
There is a pervasive energy of fear roaming among us. We are the authors of this fear filled energy and we must become the finisher of it. There are only two responses we are afforded on this plane of existence. One Love and two fear. As with the faces Love presents, we fail to recognize the many and varied faces fear wears. Please allow me to list a few of the faces of fear we can eliminate from our awareness; thereby lessening the amount of fear in our daily lives.

The first face of fear is hate. Hate is the first born child of fear and is not often recognized as fear at all. We say such and such a one is hateful and needs to change. That one is so very fearful of the world; and even themselves, that hate is how their world is processed. Such a one needs all the love we can bestow.

After the first face the rest is not in any particular order. Fear often shows up as resentment. Someone performs an act not to our liking and we harbor resentment. That is the expectation that the action will be repeated; and we will feel hurt again. That is the fear. Love leads us into the arms of forgiveness and wipes away the fear.

Jealousy, envy, racism, misogyny, child abuse and any other malady we can name are all fathered by fear. Once we acknowledge these plagues and name their parent; we can go on to replace the feelings they engender with feelings of love and forgiveness. It may not be easy; as we are fond of the familiar feelings we get from them. But as a progressive force in this world we must change any and all fear to the Love we are inside

Turning the page, we LOVE.  


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