Freedom's Flow

As I watched and listened to the coarsening of the dialogue from the political class, I could choose despair or anger; but then I remembered the noble goals which called this nation into being. In the year 2012 I wrote the poem below in laud of that grand and glorious purpose for which America is destined. I share that reminder with you here. We can soften this coarseness which streams so unfettered across our air waves. But we must remember together we are a point on earth through freedom is destined to flow.
America a point on earth
Through which the light of freedom flowed
Centuries ago
She held the torch of freedom’s glow
High above  darkness and despair
Below her torch 
Bondage ranged upon the earth
Loosing strength and value
While freedom’s light continued to grow
Perfecting feet of clay
The darkness of her former nights
Melting slowly away
But union is her goal.

America a point on earth
Through which the light of freedom yet flows.


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