Human Nature
Whenever some cultural norm is violated, people often say ‘it’s just human nature’. What they are in essence saying it is within our human nature to be cruel and unkind, or uncaring of the needs of others. I have a different point of view.
What has been termed ‘human nature’ is merely a collection of empirical evidence which stands in opposition to our Divine Nature. It is our Divine Nature which causes us to feel compassion; to offer a kind word to one in need; to hug a grieving person; to give aid to those whose lives have been upturned by floods, hurricanes or earth quakes. Our Divine Nature is inherent; that is to say we are born with it. Human nature is acquired. Because it is acquired it can be changed.
We are always in possesion of our Divine Nature. Truth is it is who we are. Oft times we act from the learned human nature. When we do, we feel a pang of something akin to guilt. That is because our inherent Divine Nature has been violated to one extent or another. Then there are those instances when we act from our Divine Nature and experience joy.
Our Divine task is to watch for those instances when our Divine Nature asserts itself in our actions and honor them. By this honoring, we strengthen our contact with our true self and grow in joy and peace. It does take practice and a vigilant introspection; but the rewards of joy and peace are worth every effort.
Remember you are Divine by nature.