Have Being

Within the pinch of eternity called my life span, love is the state in which I live and move and have Being. Love fills the cracks and crannies as it carves with infinite precision the moments of my days.

Love wakes me each morning to gaze upon the bright new day in which to see its handiwork in the lives of birds, butterflies, scuttling armies of workers in speeding cars every spot an eye can see. It puts me to sleep at night so that I can enter the realms of light the day obscures with actions in the place of being.

My life here in my pinch of eternity is made soft, alluring and fulfilling each moment when I remember I am the Love that created the Universe in which a salamander coexists with exploding stars. Oh, the joy of having my being in the cradling nest breathed out by love!

Photograph me leading a meditation at a friend's wedding, in Miami 80s?


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