The Mystical Life

I am overly fond of saying that in order for true progress to be made by the soul, the individual within that soul must own all of it. When that statement is made, naturally we presume it means owing errors and mistakes.  I would also say often enough that the good and beautiful that flows in experience must also be owned. So now I must live my own truth and own that yes, I do have mystical experiences. Yes, I do know. Yes I do understand. Yes indeed I am in touch with the spirit within me!  

That touch may be tenuous at times. There have been times when I have let go all together, but I have been in touch with the fount of all knowledge within. With every touch the link becomes stronger.  Owning that there is the mystical about how I conduct life gives me quite a bit of freedom. It allows me to live more freely from this knowing which I cannot ascribe to an outside source.  I must now learn to do that without the usual preamble that I make when I am speaking of what I know from the inside out.

Accepting that one knows from within and is guided by that knowing removes so many of the small fears that plague humanity today.  It is thought to be a fearsome thing to go to certain places at night, to live in certain sections of town, to know a certain type of persons, to bank, to withdraw money from bank, to swim, to eat some types of foods, not to eat other types of food, to take substances, not to take any chemical substance at all; the list is endless of the elements that engender fear in the hearts of modern humanity. 

Fear sells products and services. Fear puts bars on the windows and doors of otherwise habitable houses. Fear cuts us off from a great many experiences and locks us in boxes dominated by the dreaded guardian I call the social consciousness. When one accepts that there is another way of know what is best to eat, where it is safe to go, how to use resources without harm, all without being told by the reigning expert in the field, one is living from the inner knowledge known as mystical. I do so in many areas of life, and trust that the forces at work in the affairs of humanity is guiding me and those I encounter for the greatest good of all concerned. This is practical mysticism. One which I seek to cultivate, and allow to spread to every area of my life. It is my belief, once this knowing encompasses all areas of my life, I will be totally transformed.  And that is my goal.

As this day is negotiated, it must be done with the thought firmly held within my mind that I do know what to do and what to say in every circum­stance. The Spirit that lives within me has at Its disposal all knowledge. Thus the information base from which I make my decisions is limitless. Relying upon it I cannot err or cause harm.  

This life, of which I am a part, is limitless, all knowing, all pervasive, all wise. It is also all loving, seeking only to expand the awareness of everyone into the reaches of love and light where true happiness and joy abide. I am grateful for being aware of a measure of the scope of this life, and seek with every breath to be aware of more and more.  As I become aware of more from within, the mantle of mystic must be worn lightly so as to make those who have forgotten to be comfortable with the knowing as it becomes available to them and me through me. I do not have to make extraordinary effort to do this, as the Spirit within will do all that must be done by me, as I allow It to have control of my motives.

That forms the crux of the mystical life, a total and complete surrender of the prerogatives of life to the Spirit within. This is done with the knowing that this Spirit has my best interest at heart. That interest is also the best for the whole of life everywhere. I am privilege to understand a measure of this. I am accorded the responsibility to enact here on earth this very principle. It is not work, but rather joy! The life flowing from my moments are filled with wonder and amazement to the observer that I must become.  Whenever there is a problem or a difficulty it is there simply because the observer has lost sight of its function and think that it is the actor.  Today I will live the life of the observer and watch as the Holy Spirit within me conduct life.   

Thanks Guys!


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