The Small Stuff

The small of life, which would keep us in bondage to our baser nature, is feeling the fire of this upcoming change; and quaking in its collective boots as it is loosing all the power we have invested in it over the eons. We will not become monsters with too much power, and therefore be harmful to ourselves and others. We will not blast off from the face of the earth and cause havoc in the universe. Instead, we will become the truth of our nature, which is love. 

This love will redefine everything we do, say and think and create in the briefest of moments the paradise we are seeking. Harmless­ness will be the manner in which we treat all life; as the respect for life, we talk about now, will become the truth of our percep­tions and inform every act we perform. Life holds so much joy for us to experience, that even in our most sublime moments of ecstasy to date, we have not yet brushed the edges of this joy.  It is truly unspeakable and full of glory; our own glory that we have been afraid to embrace. We will get to the place in consciousness where the "and" is removed from our relationship with God; and know that indeed we are God Itself expressing through our individu­ality. Those are not just words, but the divine truth and must be made manifest ere this age is over. 

I am grateful.


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