I Am Changing
I’ve been a little ashamed of having less material
belongings than most of my peers. While I was globetrotting, taking long sabbaticals
from the corporate culture, and being an urban mystic, my peers were steadfast in
material pursuits. Thus we entered our “golden years” with most of my peers
having the material wherewithal to live comfortably; while I on the other hand
live on the bare minimum provided by the governmental safety net, aka Social Security. This has been a source of grave concern for me
and often caused me to hide most of what was happening in my life away from my
spiritual endeavors.
An example of this is how I pretend that I have no
interest in attending events that costs money which I do not have and I know
with will be expansive. I do not do things that feed my spirit, because I do
not have the money to pay for them. I have accepted that is where I am on my
journey, but grieve my inability to change any of it.
I live in an income dependent apartment complex and have
to reveal my finances every year to the management company in order to continue
my occupancy. I have had occasion to visit the local food banks and often end
each month with no money to pay for simple things. Again I accepted that is my
own doing and move on with what is within my grasps. But I desire more. I do
not now have the freedom of being able to come and go without the constant concern
of how to pay for this or that. My metaphysics tell me that I can change my
circumstances. Believe me I have been working on altering those circumstances
for years.
An amazing thing happened yesterday which holds the seeds of
actually changing those chafing circumstances. Three other women and I sat down
and simply talked. We found that all four of us had to one degree or another
straddled the dilemma presented to the spiritual seeker around our spirituality
and our material circumstance. We agreed to support one another and find a
solution that we can use to change our circumstances. All of us have been on
the spiritual path for quite a while and know that the breaking point is at
hand. It is our privilege to aid one another in this journey and be there when
the breakthrough arrives to celebrate it. Naturally it will be different for
each of us as our personalities are different. But as we hold each other in love; the
ongoing journey will expand all of us and become greater than the sum of our parts.
I am grateful.