A Place for Healing
Silence is not the absence of sound, but the sound of absence. Absence of hate, anger greed, vengeance, envy all of which are deleterious to our wellbeing. Let us allow silence to be a vital part of our lives. We live in a world plagued with division. This division was intended to be differentiation on this third dimensional plane. But we are extremists, pushing every boundary to see if we can create limits. The only limit we have created is division. The very division we used to define ourselves as who we are and who we are not. From the definition that, we are lonely individuals struggling to make it through the day, streams every pain we've experienced collectively or individually. The space where we can remember we are the ones causing this division is in the silence. The din surrounding our hectic lives helps us to forget we connected and inter-connected.
Healing occurs in that spaceless, timeless moment of silence when we remember. It is that silent instant when we know we are infinite beings connected to All That Is. We are capable of living in harmony and creating great beauty. Simply because we have not seen such a state is no reason to stop ourselves form striving to create it. This creation can be done in the healing place available in the silence.
In what appears to be a ceaseless din of us and them, good guys and bad guys; we widen the perceived gap that we believe divides us. There is a moment when the gap disappears, and we are one. That moment is always in the silence. When we are still and remain silent for just an instant and the constant chatter of our thoughts goes away, that is the instant of healing. Because we are all connected that healing is collectively experienced.
A wise man wrote a long time ag; "be still and know." Knowledge is healing. Enter the silence often.