If you can remember, I mentioned in an earlier post that I spend quite a bit of time in the hypnogogic space. The hypnogogic is that space between being fully awake and entering into sleep. For most of us that state is very brief.  I frequently see what can only be described as visions when I enter that space. Some of these visions recurred night after night for weeks, months and0ne of two of them even years.

 For a decade or more, I had a recurring image of a river of people flowing in one direction. I describe it as a river as that was the appearance of the humans, they were so tightly packed they seemed like a rapidly flowing river. Because this particular vision was so consistent, I knew it was important for me to understand its meaning. It took several months of sightings for me to understand that was not seeing flowing liquid, but masses of humans moving in one direction. I could not understand why so many people were moving so rapidly and all in one direction. Were they going away from something, or were they going toward something? I was extremely curious. What does it mean? After a few months of this fascinating vision, I fully expected to hear from my soul or my guides, or my teachers. Some answer, please. I heard nothing for the longest while.

Let me say some of the various means by which I receive my answers when I have a question that impacts my greater spiritual expansion. and the methods vary from lesson to lesson; however, I am always certain when I get an answer. The answer can come from a casual conversation, with a word, phrase or sentence spoken can cause the light bulb to go off, and for me to know I have the answer to the nagging question that haunted me up to that point. At other times, I am led to a book which perfectly answers my question from an ancient teaching or even a new teaching. None of these, and the numerous other avenues, from which my answers come proved fruitful in the case of the human river I would see every night before falling into sleep.

The dawning of the import of this particular persistent vision came slowly, so slowly there was no specific point of understanding. Indeed, the vision was of the whole of humanity in the ongoing evolution of the specie; that evolution is leading to the overt act of remembering, that we are one being and not simply the sum of our individual selves.

The center of the human river seemed to be moving faster than those on either side of it. My understanding is the center represents the vanguard of consciousness; the critical mass destined to ignite the remembrance of our oneness. These are the humans who remember that we are one being; holding the truth of that memory as the measure by which they live their everyday lives. These are the ones who steadfastly refuse to lapse into amnesia. Whenever we remember the center flows faster and our arrival point closer because of their commitment.

I am grateful that we are extremely close to the destined point when we all at once remember together.


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