My Thanksgiving Day


Yes, I am here with so much to be thankful for. Top on the very extensive personal gratitude list is the controlling of pain I have been having, Though the pain is present, it is so controlled with the medication, it now stays in the background of my consciousness. Far away now is the sharp burning that triggers small groans and sometimes an occasional scream.

 Today as you know Americans tend to indulge in the very American habit of excessive eating. So, although I did not go on the family excursion to house of my great nephew, arrangement was made for me to have my private indulgence. My niece's husband, who is a chef, came over and made me most of the traditional Thanksgiving foods. That deed of kindness further enhanced the growing feeling I have of being cared for lavishly. This care is above and beyond the ordinary knowing of being loved and favored as a treasured part of this great and tender Universe in which we have being.

On the list of my many blessings are my friends who check on me every day and seem to like hearing the day-to-day segments of my story. The personnel sent to me by hospice extends the list. These loving beings meet my physical needs as well indulge me by laughing at my silly jokes. Added to that attention and care, my niece ran into the Nurse Practitioner who cared for me in the first phase of cancer's second visit about two years ago. She called me and gave him the phone and we had a very wonderful visit.  The days leading up to this Thanksgiving Day were personally satisfying. How can I be anything less than grateful.

The flowers brought to me today by one of my beloved non-related family. See, I told you so!


Anonymous said…
Mama Cecelia it was wonderful to read your message about Thanksgiving blessings you received. Sometimes we only think of pain and suffering by those in Hospice care. You remind us that much of your experience is within your control. Seeing the gratitude and appreciation you have for each person there to care for you in any way makes your time with them more joyful.
This acknowledgement speaks volumes of the sweet spirit you are and the embodiment of love that has been a gift to so many of us. Please know there are many people who aren’t bringing meals or flowers but who are praying for you to be living the best life possible. I feel so lucky to have been given your hugs and to have experienced your meditations, which were each very moving. I love you. Know and feel that. Karla

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